The View From My Study – 15th March
As I walked across the grass on Wednesday afternoon, I saw a crocodile line of Reception children who called out enthusiastically in my direction. I asked them where they had been and they excitedly told me about their adventure in the Wild Gardens, making zip wires for Lego people. Immediately my mind raced back to my own childhood when I used to make zip wires out of garden wire for my action men. I realise I probably shouldn’t admit to that but those were halcyon days when everything was simple and easy and I could get lost in my own imagination.
It then struck me how happy these Reception children were. Being outside with the license to be creative – that’s what childhood is about and these children were living it. As we age and mature it is easy to get caught up in a world of ‘to do’ lists where creativity is replaced by routine and limiting rules. If this happens too early, in schools for instance, children will enter the world of work without the capacity to think differently.
Creativity brings a sense of freedom. Rules are often obsolete when we are being creative and we have permission to take risks and try new things. When we take the time and energy to develop new ideas, we learn to understand, trust and respect ourselves which, in turn, leads to better expression and articulation of our thoughts. And furthermore, we often become more confident, less stressed and more adaptable when problems come along that require a solution.
At BG we want this creative spirit to be embedded so that it lasts a life-time. After all, as Picasso said, “Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.”
Having seen the children perform in the Lent Concert on Tuesday evening, and then again in the Owl Poetry Competition last night, I know that their ability to be creative and expressive is alive and well. What fabulous musicianship and performance we have in the school. Please see the short video clip below for a taster of Tuesday night.
Tomorrow morning is the final HM’s Breakfast of the term – please do come along for a bite to eat and a chat; it is a very relaxed affair and a good chance to meet other parents.
Good luck to those performing in Oliver next week – practise those lines this weekend and then inspire everyone with your creative skills on stage. I, for one, am very much looking forward to it.
Have a good weekend!
Gareth Jones, Head