Bilton Grange Society

The purpose of the Society is quite simple: we were set up in 1922 to help Old Biltonians keep in touch with each other, to keep them up to date with news from the school and to further the interests of the school in every possible way.

We hold an annual gathering at Bilton Grange towards the end of the summer term, which is a chance to meet old and new OBs, and to look around the school.

The affairs of the Society are looked after by a Committee of OBs and we are always looking for new members to get involved. We are always looking for fresh faces and new ideas, particularly in helping with social events. The Committee meets twice a year at the school. If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please email the Honorary Secretary indicating your interest.

If you would like to see a full version of the Bilton Grange Society rules, please email the Honorary Secretary.

Headmaster's Blog

05 Sep

06 Aug

Will wins Kartmasters

Will wins Kartmasters
15 May

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

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