The View From My Study – 1st December

And so here we are, in December. Where has all the time gone? The Christmas trees are twinkling, Santa is stuck in the Gallery fireplace (again) and the school is preparing itself for the final week of term.

I am sure many BG households this morning contained excited fingers eager to open an advent calendar. The period of advent is one in which we are reminded to be patient because we are waiting and counting down to the 25th December. For children, being patient is not always easy and so it helps to be busy with the preparations – decorating the tree, going up and down the step ladder, writing cards to others, wrapping presents, singing carols perhaps. These activities are often done in the company of others and this is why this period is so special – it is a celebration of togetherness, of being loved and of showing love to others.

Last week’s Christmas Fair was wonderful. The FAB team did a fab job with positivity exuding at every stall. It was lovely to see pupil initiatives welcome arriving punters outside North Entrance and the spirit of the community was at its very best in the Gallery. There was a great sense of togetherness, like all the best Christmases, and for that we should all be grateful.

I am sure I shall see many of you over the coming week and, in the meantime, I wish you all a very good weekend.

Gareth Jones, Head

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