The View From My Study 2nd December
They say, don’t they, that you should never work with animals or children. So, dressing the children up as animals for their nativity plays is asking for trouble, isn’t it?
Actually no. It is a delight. In fact, everyone should see at least one nativity play in their lifetime for it is the secret ingredient of a great Christmas.
I have seen quite a few nativities in my time, and it never ceases to amaze me how many different ways there are to tell the same story. What has struck me this week in seeing the Reception performers on Wednesday, followed by Years 1 & 2 a day later, is the growth in confidence as singers, performers and storytellers from one year group to the next. These performances encapsulate beautifully the progress in learning of the children. Well done to all and thank you to the staff team who have directed and encouraged the pupils to perform so confidently.
The Christmas productions haven’t stopped at nativities. The Christingle service from the Juniors in the Chapel on Wednesday followed hot on the heels of their Christmas Cracker last week and the children delivered their lines with equal amounts of aplomb. The 4th Form have been gearing up for their production next week and, quite possibly as you read this, several members of staff will be appearing on stage as they’ve never been seen before. It’s good for the soul, so I keep telling everyone!
Gareth Jones, Headmaster