Thew View From My Study – 3 May

I saw my name on the big screen the other day. Well, actually it was on the tv at home and it was crediting someone else called Gareth Jones who wrote the screenplay for a film about the great German man, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It just happened to be on the tv when I turned it on and it was an unexpected reconnection to an extraordinary life I had heard about before but had forgotten in large parts. Dying at just 39, he was a brilliant theologian, a pastor, a writer, a spy, a son, a brother and a friend. And we can learn a so much from his example.

Firstly, Dietrich Bonhoeffer loved his family and remained loyal and true to them throughout his life. They stood by him during his most challenging times at the hands of the Nazi regime and this provided him with emotional strength. A loving family fosters a sense of belonging to something greater than oneself and it is at the heart of one’s values and traditions.

Because of the strength that Bonhoeffer derived from his family he did not worry what other people thought and this gave him the courage to think for himself and choose his own path. This was important firstly when he was mocked for becoming a pastor and secondly when he appeared to have joined the Nazis but was secretly working undercover on a plot to overthrow Hitler.

Having the bravery and courage to go against popular opinion is a big challenge but Bonhoeffer had the conviction of his principles and this enabled him to stand up for those in need. It did not matter what creed or nationality they were and it did not matter that he was a Christian; he simply believed that he should follow God’s example by loving and helping people from all nations. Bonhoeffer lived his life through courage, faith and love, and this week, as we have been considering what bravery means, Bonhoeffer’s example is one we should all emulate.

Biltonians have to be brave every day. Yesterday for instance, that might have meant singing in the amazing public performance of Carmina Burana (which was incredible) whereas for others it might have been camping overnight for the first time that required courage. Either way, a BG day is full of rich experiences that will develop the character of every child and I am grateful to all of my colleagues for the hard work they invest to get the best out of the children.

It is an exeat weekend with a bank holiday on Monday as well so hopefully a chance for some rest and sunshine. I know there are sports tournaments aplenty and I wish everyone involved the best of luck. Have a good weekend!

Gareth Jones, Head

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