High Flyers
Although the School caters for a wide range of abilities, it also has a strong tradition of enabling talented pupils to excel and successfully win scholarships to top senior schools.
Throughout their time in the School the progress of each child is carefully tracked and any emerging talents are recognised at an early stage. In the Pre-Prep a creative and open curriculum ensures able pupils are stretched and start to develop higher order thinking skills. In addition, specialist teaching in areas such as performing arts and sport mean that talented pupils are given opportunities to develop their skills.
As pupils move on to the Prep, specialist teaching in all areas continues the excellent work of the Pre-Prep. Each subject area not only identifies children with a real talent in that subject but also sets out how best to nurture these skills.
At the end of the 4th Form, talented pupils are invited to join ‘High Flyer’ groups that operate in the various scholarship areas – Academic, Art, Design Technology, Music, Drama, Computing and Sport.
These groups help prepare children for the various demands and tests of scholarship assessment as well as providing a deeper insight into the specialist area with the aim of inspiring a life-long passion.