Bursaries & Funding

The applicant deadline for the Bursary Awards process to join Bilton Grange in September 2025 is Friday 6 December, 2024.

Please note that the application process for September 2024 entry is now closed.

Foundation Awards

Year 7 entry

Foundation Awards are aimed at widening access to a Bilton Grange and Rugby School education to children currently enrolled at local primary schools. These are available to children who live within 20 miles of Rugby School (excluding the city of Coventry). Foundation Awards are granted for entry into either Year 7 at Bilton Grange or Year 9 at Rugby School. The Award allows parents to access means-tested bursary support up to 100 per cent of fees for a day pupil. Applications take place during Year 6 in preparation for Year 7 entry.

Parents of Foundation Award applicants for Year 7 entry can contact to take part in the process which includes assessment papers in a suite of Reasoning tests along with an interview. In addition, we will ask applicants to complete a short interview questionnaire prior to arrival and request a reference from their current school together with school reports. The deadline for applications for September 2025 entry is Friday 6th December 2024 with assessments on Saturday 1st February 2025.

At the same time, parents should apply for means-tested bursary support towards fees.  Bursary applications are made via an online system, please complete the form here to begin an application.  In order for your bursary application to be considered, your child must be registered with Bilton Grange and the registration fee paid in full.  Applications must be completed and submitted by the closing date above.

If your child has performed well in the assessments and you are eligible for significant means-tested bursary support towards fees, they will be considered for a Foundation Award.

The Earle Fund

Year 7 entry

The Earle Fund provides fully funded places for talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the most to gain from a boarding education and will flourish at Bilton Grange.

Application for The Earle Fund follows the same process as for the Foundation Award above, but the eligibility criteria are different. Children do not need to live within 20 miles of Rugby School but they must have a demonstrable need for a boarding place along with a significant need for bursarial support. Successful pupils for both awards will demonstrate an ability to thrive in academic and co-curricular school life.

Exceptional Bursary Support

Year 5 to Year 7 entry

In very exceptional circumstances means-tested bursary support may be available to pupils from Year 5 to Year 7. In line with other awards, continuation on the scheme is subject to annual progress assessments. Please email the Admissions team for further information.


Entry to Bilton Grange, September 2025

  • Applications should be made by: 6 December 2024
  • Assessments will take place on: 1 February 2025

Applicants for the Year 7 Foundation Award or The Earle Fund can email the Admissions office at Bilton Grange on or or 01788 818246.

Year 9

Foundation Award applicants for Year 9 can visit the Rugby School website and contact Rugby School directly.

Headmaster's Blog

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Ethos & Values

Bilton Grange Society