The Boarding Team

Boarding at Bilton Grange is a family affair, a home from home experience where our children feel safe, happy and settled whether they are full time boarders or just staying for one or two nights a week.

Mark Tovey, Assistant Head (Boarding) leads the boarding and lives with this family between both houses. He was raised in a boarding preparatory school where his father was headmaster for 40 years and this experience has prepared him well for the demands and opportunities of boarding life at BG.

Mark Tovey with his family

Supporting Mark are the two Housemothers, Mandy Wilkin (girls) and Kelly John (boys), who focus on the welfare and pastoral needs of the children in each House.

Two sets of assistant Houseparents also live within the boarding community, Nic Potgieter and Chantene Venter, along with Patrick and Eleanor Staddon-Davis (together with their young son Rupert), all of whom have teaching roles within the school.

Our dedicated matron team supports the pastoral and housekeeping needs of the pupils and our night matron is available throughout the early hours to be there for children who might wake perhaps because they feel unwell or they just need some care and attention. The night matron also keeps the House ticking over with essential laundry jobs prepared for the next day. 

Graduate and Gap Assistants offer a younger dynamic to the staffing team and are there to support each morning and evening.

We are immensely proud of our strong staff team who offer support to each and every boarder 24/7.

Mark Tovey, Assistant Head (Boarding)

Headmaster's Blog

15 May

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award
07 May

Cryptics Cricket Club XI and OB/BG Invitational XI to play as part of 150 celebrations

Cryptics Cricket Club XI and OB/BG Invitational XI to play as part of 150 celebrations
03 May

Final chance for BG150 Summer Ball Tickets

Final chance for BG150 Summer Ball Tickets

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Boarding Weekends

Ethos & Values