Performing Arts Extra Tuition Enrolment Form
Music and Speech & Drama Tuition for New Pupils
Additional Music or Speech & Drama tuition is available from Year 2 onwards. Please complete the form below if you would like to enrol your son or daughter.
Lessons continue until notice to terminate is received in writing in accordance with the conditions available for download here
Music tuition is charged at £250.00 per term for nine lessons of thirty minutes (twenty-seven taught over the course of the academic year), although the number of lessons taught in each term varies according to the length of the term. This equates to £27.78 per lesson.
Speech & Drama tuition is charged at: Prep: £207.00 per term for nine lessons of thirty minutes (duo) or 20 minutes (solo). This equates to £23.00 per lesson. Pre-Prep: £192.60 per term for nine lessons of 30 minutes (duo) or 15 minutes (solo). This equates to £21.40 per lesson.
Please read our Terms and Conditions 2024-25 before requesting lessons.
Should you experience any difficulties, please email