Learning Support

The primary aim of the Learning Development department at Bilton Grange is to support and help pupils reach their full potential. Every child is different and will have different needs.

The School SENCO, supported by a team of experienced TAs and specialist 1:1 teachers, currently offer in-class TA support for core subjects, small group withdrawal lessons in lieu of Classics and 1:1 lessons for children who have specifically diagnosed needs for additional support.

Working in partnership with subject staff and parents, an individualised learning plan is developed by the School SENCO, which is regularly reviewed throughout a child’s time at Bilton Grange, ensuring that all staff support learning in every class or activity.

As children progress through the school and their needs change, we work with parents to recommend and decide upon the best senior school which fits the child’s needs. We do not have a ‘one-size fit’ for all our children and it is essential senior school’s entrance requirements are matched appropriately to the child and that the senior school can provide the support the child needs towards their best outcomes in their further education.

Headmaster's Blog

05 Sep

06 Aug

Will wins Kartmasters

Will wins Kartmasters
15 May

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

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Headmaster’s Welcome


A Day At Prep