Our Food

Meals and snacks are cooked on site by our caterers Chartwells. Every lunch offers a choice of main course including vegetarian, non-vegetarian, jacket potatoes and salad bar with fresh fruit and pudding.

The children have snacks at break times in the morning and in the afternoon if they are staying for prep or activities.
Pupils are able to give feedback to the Food Council which meets every term to give their input into the kitchen choices and to discuss options with Chartwells representatives.

Chartwells also run a series of termly workshops with the children entitled ‘Beyond the Kitchen’. The themes for these workshops range from having a balanced diet to foods which enhance sporting performance or mental wellbeing.

Headmaster's Blog

05 Sep

06 Aug

Will wins Kartmasters

Will wins Kartmasters
15 May

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

Green Fingers win the Royal Horticultural Society award

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A Day At Prep

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